Monday, December 6, 2010

Final PLN Report

Click the image of Symbaloo or here to gain access to all my links!

My PLN was done on the symbaloo. After figuring out all the short cuts it allows to get to your most used web sites, it became a life line for me. I really on my symbaloo so much that when I find something really interesting that I think I may use in the near future, I literally I have to sit in front of my laptop and think about what to delete so I can put my new link in. So, over all the symbaloo was very useful and I will continue using it.

Summary of Comments for Kids

I had a wonderful time commenting on student's blogs from other schools. Helena was very interested in current events, mainly because their class has been doing them in groups. Another blog that I was reading was a fifth grade class who presents all their work together. Their assignments were truly interesting and intriguing, they were like very informative stories. So, I really enjoyed reading all their stories. Zoe is very hard working student who I commented on. She is one of those students who wants to succeed in all she does, and with the determination she had on all the projects she had to finish. My first comment in November was for Noel Elementary school, but they had and still have technical issues. All in all I really enjoyed all the different students I got to chat with and got to learn different things from all over.

Project 16

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Summary Comments for Teachers 4

Dianne Krause was the teacher I had to blog with this week. I believe I was very lucky to be paired with her, and was able to comment on her blog. She had some very wonderful ideas for was of teaching, and allowing easier ways for students to learn. She gave her own opinion about smartboards and how they have been more useful to students in classroom because they allow the students to be more interactive, which makes them more eager to learn. Unlike when students were just expected to sit there, listen and take notes without getting antsy. Some other important things she touched on google doc templates for Mathematics and Science. It gives the students and teacher a way to keep in touch a collaborate on school work, projects, or questions they may have; and also allow students to share, create, and store other types of information. The last thing of many I will tell everyone about that caught my eye was a Smartbrief new letter. It is basically a news letter that is sent out daily, free of charge, for teachers and users of technology alike to help them better navigate the ever changing technology of computers. Overall I really enjoyed reading Mrs. Krause blog because she has a lot of information that can be used later or even know as we are still in school.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Additional Assignment 5

Just Teach them to Solve for X uses metaphors which maybe hard to catch I know I had to read it a couple times to catch it. And by using this form of solving for X involves how many teachers use the same way to teach basic skills to students, and by letting them solve for X may give them a new form of teaching. Sketchy portraits tells how eighth graders all have their own identity no matter how screwed up they may seem with their own set of emotions to go along with them. And all students want to do at that age is find a belonging or place that they belong in. He Just Likes the Class for the Pencils stresses how important it is to have a good teacher to student relationship with each student in your classroom. Allowing for teachers to have one on one conversations with each students allows the students to grow comfortable and trust their teacher. The Medium Shapes the Learning talks about how students like to do the most work that requires the least effort out of them. And so when Mr. Spencer assigns a lesson to the students, he does not want them to just slide by he wants them to put effort and thought into it.

Blog Assignment 13

ALEX is a website that is used to devote information to parents, teachers, students, and administrators who can all benefit from the information available.  The website is broken into eight categories so that who is every searching for a specific topic can find it with ease.  The eight categories are web links, lesson plans, courses of study, search, professional learning, personal workspace, podcast treasury, and ALEXville. The one I found very user friendly was the ones for lesson plans. All one has to do is click on the grade level and subject and follow the links and it will provide you with an Alabama State lesson plan. Another one that I really enjoyed learning about and will use in class would be the podcast treasury, mainly because it allows students to get more involved with learning. Then there is course of study, which basically provides the Alabama content standards for each subject. With all of these categories broken up it gives everyone a better opportunity to learn.

With the ALEX website I believe it would be a great asset due to all the information it provides, especially since I would be a new teacher.  Say for instance I could not come up with a lesson plan or a question about a specific standard.  I would not have to worry because all I would have to do is go to the ALEX website and go into what specific category suites my needs.  This website is great for all new teachers just for that reason and many others similar to that.  Because once you are fresh out of school with your first class you do not now what to expect.  So if worst comes to worst just use the site as a guide until you feel comfortable on your own.

ACCESS which is a distance learning program that provides recovery courses for students statewide.  ACCESS uses both interactive and web based online course formats for student uses.  These courses are taken during the day at school taught by trained facilitators.  The purpose of having ACCESS available for students to learn is so they can develop and learn to improve their skills by distant learning.  I believe this is great for all students especially  for those who maybe having a harder time more than others.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog Assignment 12

Blog Assignment

Parents, teachers, and other professionals all have mix emotions about the amount of technology children should have exposed to them while in the younger stages of life. With this assignment there are a couple videos that you need to watch and answer the questions that go along with the video.

How is Technology Changing Kids Brains

Are Kids Losing Skills Due to Technology

Is all this Technology Good for Our Kids?

By viewing these three videos they all discuss the good and the bad about allowing children to use technology. Answers the following questions below after viewing the above the videos.

1. What is your opinion of the above discussions in each video?
2. Would you allow your children to begin using technology at a young after watching those videos?
3. Do you agree with Mr. Dovers explanation of the brain?
4. Would you agree that technology takes away from other skills learned?
5. Should technology continue to be made a teaching tool?
6. What do you believe the pro's and con's of technology are to you?

My completion of the assignment

1. The first video was talking about how kid's brain's are changing to due to technology and how after it is used in their everyday lives. Although there are some instances in that does occur I do not believe it fully affects the way our children think. Children change rapidly with age and with that so does their brain technology is not the cause. The second video discusses how children may be losing other skills due to using to much technology. Although they make some good points I do not believe children lose any skills in the classroom or outside playing sports. The last video was a sit down talk that went over some of the more positive outlooks for technology and their young users. And I do agree that certain technology can be very useful in the learning environment.
2. Yes I would. I do believe they should be restricted to a decent time period allotted. Because it could be a great learning tool for math, reading, and other important things as well.
3. Yes and not just because that is his field, but because he knows what he is talking about. He is just stating that children and their brain's keep changing as more information is added. Although technology is good being exposed to, to much over a short time can cause other problems, such as becoming hooked on technology and then letting it run your life.
4.No I do not believe that mainly just because once children learn things it is pretty much stuck with them. For instance, tying your shoes or riding a bike, these type of skills are embedded in a child's brain.
5. Yes because children learn more and more through the efforts of technology. So why should it be taken away from the child if it is helping learn more quickly or retaining information better.
6. Pro's
Great learning tool
Allows them to learn different things more simply
Can affect their social life
Could hurt them academicly

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Progress Report on Final Project

  Project 16 is going to be an interesting project to complete.  Not that it is hard but you the student is not told what to do you and your partner are on your own.  I think that me and my partner are going to come up with some great ideas.  Right know we are watching the links that Dr. Strange recommended that we watch.  We are hoping to come up with a conclusion on what we want to do in a day or two. 

Analysis and Commentary On Project 6

The questionnaire that I gave was made up of questions that pertained specifically to how students were enjoying their classes so far, and how they thought Dr. Stranges EDM 310 class would or would not help them later after they graduate. Although these questions may have seemed unnecessary they really did play a role. Mainly, because students or soon to be teachers need to learn all the new technology and advances that are coming.
After reviewing and analyzing the responses that the students gave I truly believe a lot of students are going to be taking a lot of information from EDM 310 and use in their future plans. Although some said they were just going to get an "A" and nothing else they will soon realize how much this class and enjoying themselves on and in their classes will be vital to their future employment.
While reviewing the results I also noticed that a lot of people are very serious about their education because instead of going out every night and hanging out with friends a lot of students are busying studying or working to pay for school. A lot of students chose this school not because of its great academics, but because its either close to their families or they got a scholarship of some sort.
So all in all I have learned a lot. There are a lot of hard working college students out their trying to achieve one similar goal in life. That is to make something great out of themselves and to graduate with a college to degree to get that dream job in life. With everyone pushing for that one goal there may be more competition out there than some people seem to think. So while on your journey here at South strive hard, and never give up.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog Assignment 11

Watching this video of how interactive these children are in Mrs. Cassidy's  classroom.  The way the children want to learn make learning computers worth the hard times that come with learning computers so late like I have.  If putting computers, skype, short video's, and other great things into the classroom helps the students want to learn instead of just sit there listening to a teacher lecture about things that they could be doing on computers I am all for it.  I know that if I had computer interaction when I was in school, I feel like I would be more prepared for things.  Like the children introducing computers to them at such a young age is great that way they will have a better understanding of them and their computers skill will continue to blossom.  So the techniques are great especially how everyone know how to blog and interact great with the computers sites and things. Some things that may be an issue is unwanted junk mail and things that are inappropriate for children to see, with that issue just put a block on it.

Summary Post C4K Comments 3-7

On comment three I had a little boy named Onasa'i the blog I read was a short story he wrote himself about a young boy who wanted to follow in his dad's foot steps and become a pirate as well.  Through his struggles of getting his dad's approval he had to go through several different tasks to become just like his dad.  Also through his blog they have been learning about bee's, spider's, and other insects as well.
Comment four was a girl named Varsha her blog was about the favoring about boys or girls in general.  About how boys get away with more than girls do.  And by the time you think men are at a decent age they surprise you by showing you that no matter the age men are still boys who are childish in a sense.
Comment five was a student who went by Bunny Boo's Blog and his real name is Tyler.  His post was about his adventure with his family on a camping trip and all the neat things they got to do, for instance went to the waterfall and road in wagons.
Comment six Chino was who I was suppose to blog to. His blog was very sweet and detailed, Chino talked about how he and his family celebrated his father's birthday. 
Comment seven was with Heath G.  He blogged about how they used pumpkins to discuss math in class, which I thought was very neat.  Because they got to have fun and learn at the same time.
With all these blogs I did with these different student's it really is great to be able to see how they interact with not only computers and the internet, but they also take so much in from their great teacher's and school's.

Summary Post C4T 3

Mrs. Caren Carrillo was the teacher I was assigned to comment about.  Her blog was very interesting and it made me really think of what still I would might like to use when deciding on what tool to use for keeping track of my students achievements and things.  Her choice was the rubrics, which I thought was a very easy and understandable device in especially with so many students.  Reading her blog was very informative for my future decision making on keeping track of students work and things.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Assignemt 10

1.  My experiences at school have been quit interesting in the fact that I thought I would learn more in some of my other classes.  One class I am taking is a hybrid class and I understand that I am suppose to do learning on my own, but when I do go to class half the stuff that is being said is nothing to do with the subject I am learning.  When I read Mrs. Bayda's entree I really could relate to her.  A student can do more learning outside the class most of the time because you the student concentrate on what you want to learn first.  That is what I like about EDM 310 it is you and your computer, and the occasional assistance from the lab techs.  But they are only their if you truly need help.  In a way I feel like that is how some of my other classes are as well, and that is all fine, but when I do go to class and I do need help I would like answers to my questions.  By using the internet and all it accessories if students are more eager to learn they can scan through sits and web connections like Mrs. Bayda did to learn all types of new and growing information without feeling cheated by the school and the teachers.
2. It is crazy to read about a school who does not allow their students to take home pencils.  If they do not have a way of writing how else are students suppose to learn.  Of course students could try to memorize all the information learned but it may not go so well.  So I am glad he came up with his own solution to the problem that he had to endure for his students.  If a teacher is willing to take that risk for his class you know he must be a great teacher because he cares if his students learn or not.
3. Watching that movie about those two questions really made think. What could my question be?  I thought it was really interesting because a lot of people never really ask themselves that everyday.  My question would be " What did I do yesterday that I could change today?" It basically means what do I do or say wrong that I could improve or change today to make better if possible. Could I apologize to someone, make somebody laugh to make their day better, what could I do? My sentence would be "Changing the lives of students by one classroom at time."

Project 13

Additional Assignment 3

Were I do agree is very easy to see in my eyes.  I believe that students do have trouble interacting in a classroom, mainly for the subject not being interactive and interesting for the students sitting there trying to learn.  Students get a persona of what school is going to be like when they have siblings or even parents who are teachers who tell them on school is to them.  So, if they do not enjoy were they are learning chance are neither will they.  Were i disagree will be with the fact that all kids are drugged up not all of them are like that some students just go to class not interested to learn no matter were they may end up in the future.  Because they may see a parent, sibling, or relative graduate from school and college and still can not find a job, and they get it in their heads why should I go to school if that is how I am going to end up as well.  The most important thing I think is when he is talking about how children are separated into their own age group, along with the subjects they are learning.  I think that is important topic and that is the one I also disagree with.  Students should be separated by age and subjects they are learning, of course you may have some that are smarter than others with those few intelligent ones let them go up a grade especially if they understand all the information and seem to get board very easily. With the issues he raises teachers, parents and relatives can all join in and help by being a support system for the student who may be having a hard time or just be their just case of questions that may need to be explained more in depth. I thought the presentation was great and on point for those parents and teachers who may not think those children do not want to learn.  If i had to create my own version I would have Alana Carpenter as the idea generator, Laney Verzone as the author,  me as the narrator, Joseph Turlington as the designer and artist, Heather Blair as sound effects, and we would all work together on other things.  It would be a great project to do if we had to the opportunity to at least try.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Assignment 9

            Mr. McClung had made several good points in his blog, especially about reading the crowd, which in terms is your classroom or your piers.  Because when your teaching children no matter what age group they all will have trouble retaining information that is given to them, so when you have a lesson plan and want to stay on schedule that just may not happen.  All student's learn at different pacing some more quickly than others and after a little time with your student's you will be able to read them and know how fast or slow to take a subject or objective that you are trying to teach
            Two more good points that were made was being flexible and having good communication skill with your student's.  After planning and arranging time for projects or acting out something in your lesson plans to make learning more fun, then you actually get to the exciting part when it all comes together and then it does not. Do not get aggravated or upset, they are just kids who are trying to learn, be flexible and understand they may have trouble doing something in that project.  This is were good communication is key, ask the student or student's what they are having problems with, and maybe explain more in detail to them what you want them to do.  Do not automatically assume after brief directions they understand what you as the teacher wants.  From what I read I believe that is what Mr. McClung is saying.
             Reasonable is also a great one, I believe it is around the third most important one out of all of them.  It is easy for teacher's to make a lesson plan of what they want their student's to do, but it is hard for them to understand that they are still just children, who were sent to your school, assigned to your classroom, to be taught by you, to learn what they will need for future uses.  And as a teacher you can raise the bar and expect great things out of them, but just remember if they fail at a project or an essay be reasonable with them because they are children who are still learning or they would not be in school or in your class.
              For myself this is a hard one because I am afraid of technology. I know technology is ever changing and I need to change with it, but when it comes to certain aspects of a computer I am not the best.  But like Mr. McClung said in his blog do not be afraid of technology you just have to take a leap and just go at it.  Make mistakes after all that is why we are all required to take Dr. Strange's EDM class to learn new and improving things with technology.
               Listen to your student's is a big one because if you do not listen to them who will.  You as the teacher will see these student's for a year, you will begin to know their strengths and weaknesses, and know what they may have problems with.  When they ask questions listen closely to what they say because you as the teacher is the key point of their learning careers.  Because the younger you go into the elementary teaching the more pressure is put on you because if they leave that class without learning what is needed for the next grade it is going to look bad on you as a teacher.  And what school would want a bad teacher, teaching and helping children learn?  Not me that is for sure!
               Lastly as Mr. McClung and many other teacher's will tell you never stop learning.  There will always be changes in the world of learning and technology alike.  And if we as future teacher's quit learning once we graduate we might as well had just stayed in school because education everywhere is evolving and improving it just depends on how determined a teacher you want to be to your future students.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog Assignment #8

This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2

             Having the multimedia would be a greatest change we have had in a long while.  Using the multimedia would be a great asset to those in the reading and writing fields.  By using multimedia it gives people, students, teachers and learners a like gain access to all books and knowledge available on the web.  We can see all things on the web, communicate with video and texts as well.  You can create a document made up of sound, music, and verbal collaboration that is found through the web.  All the information  a person can think of is on the web, which is all students and teachers need to create projects and other things as well.
            The use of the web and its information has progressively grown in the past years, information that people thought would never be available for the public is accessed with just a few strokes of a keypad or a mouse click away.  That is what I think Dr. Miller is trying to express to us in his two part video of How We Dream.  And I agree with Dr. Miller, I believe that soon all students are going to be using digital devices to make their work come to life, instead of just typing in word processing.  Using the multimedia would allow better access for students for not just learning, but they could also grow from that technology to make something better as well.  Technology is never going to quite growing, and with how fast it changes we have to make sure we are changing with it just as quickly.
           I believe with a little time a effort I would be able to write with multimedia.  I know I don't have the best computer skill, but I would surely try my hardest.  And if there came a point to were I did not understand something I would try to find someone who could show me.  For younger students, they would have a leg up in the situation, the main reason being that since they are so young they would catch on to the computer
 skills that much quicker.  And so when the technology continues to grow they will know what to do because they have used the technology so much.
The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies
          Watching both of those videos made me really think.  Not just about the point they were trying to get across or how great of an actress Jamie Lynn is, but all the excuses and blame students push on their teachers when they turn in their assignments late or not at all.  While viewing these videos it gave me an idea of what I would like to make a video of one day to stick on YouTube for people to view. I would love to make a video of some of they key excuses that students make and post them on the web.  Because I have noticed that most of the excuses that students come up with are quite funny and unbelievable.  It would also be useful for beginning teachers who just graduated and are starting their first job.

Critiques of Smartboards 

          I have read several different reasons about why smartboards are useful and class setting and why they are unnecessary.  The up side to have the smartboards from what someone wrote was how it keeps the students interested in the lesson and not on other things because they can interact better with the boards.  And it is also a great way to save the work that was done in class so the teacher may be able to print it off for a student who may have been sick.  The unnecessary standings are that they are a waste of money that could have been used on other things, and they believe it also takes away from the interaction of the student and teacher relationship in class. Both of these people have great points to what they are arguing about but I believe they are both correct.  Mainly for the fact that everyone has a right to their opinion on specific subjects, and this is no different from any other feud. Except for how it involves the students! And when I interviewed students at Axis Middle school all the children seemed to enjoy them a lot more than just the normal boards we had growing up.  They were more involved and more anxious to get class started just because they knew they may have a chance to play on the board.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Additional Assignment #2

1.  I think that if the learners are motivated they can learn, but unless they get the correct teaching of a specific subject that they are trying to learn they may run into some problems.  They may be able to figure it out,  but how does someone truly know if they are doing it correctly unless shown.  But i believe if someone can put their mind to it they can learn on their own but with a few bumps in the road to follow.
2. Their are some motivated kids out their who try really hard to learn, but some of the things they need or want to learn may be out of their league to learn for right now.  If they were to get an understanding of how to teach themselves and learn how to learn on their own they may have better luck learning on their own.
3. For kids especially they need a good laid out study schedule and no distractions around them like a television, radio, or cell phone.  Those rules can also apply for adults as well because if anyone has distractions around them they will pay more attention to it than to what they are trying to learn or study.  So, those are the basic key things that should be used especially if you are trying to motivate yourself to learn something on one's own.
4. Computers and internet can play a big positive or negative role in the learning process.  The positives are very useful in the sense that kids and adults alike can use them for writing papers, creating projects, and surfing the internet for useful information for research or things to that matter. In the negative slot though, kids can use it to play games, talk to friends, or check their facebook or twitter account, which will cause a distraction for them while they are trying to do work
5.  I think it brings out the want to learn and figure out new and improving things.  Because if you do not have the desire to even try out something or to try to learn something new you will never be motivated learn and will probably never go anywhere in life!
6. Well if you do not come across a problem or a question when you are trying to learn that means you probably do not understand something and are just to embarrassed or scared to ask for help.  Then as time goes by with all those problems and unanswered questions more problems and questions occur and know you are overwhelmed and freaking out.  So, now you learned that if you do not ask for help you will sink very quickly.
7. Motivation is done by making something that is boring and turning it into a fun learning game for kids.  Because if it does not seem interesting to the kids they will not want to learn.  Just think of how we go to some of our classes and we wish they were more fun and involved wouldn't that make you more eager to learn, that is how you have to be with kids.
8. I am motivated by the fact that I want to have success in life.  I do not want my life full of regrets and I wishes.  I want to make sure I do what I want to or at least try to do what I set my mind to.
9. No, for the main reason of if someone is not motivated to at least try to learn why would they want to learn.  It takes more time to learn how to learn then it actually takes to learn.  So, if someone has to ambition to try then they just do not want to.
10. I teach myself.  Everyday I teach myself something new because their is a saying that a person learns something new everyday you may not know what that new thing is exactly, but you learn something.  Like for instance, I just learned a few minutes ago how to use my disc drive on my laptop and I am very excited.  I learned this from a friend of mine today because I just could not figure it out and my friend Alana looked at it and said this is how you do it.  I was blown away, I was like that's all I feel so retarded, but it is okay because I learned something new.
11.  Teacher's play a key role in how students learn because if the teacher is not very good at his or her job it makes the learning process for the student just that much harder.  Then it looks bad on the teacher, and the teacher may or may not notice how bad a job he or she is doing until it is to late for the student in question.
12. I think it is great that kids try to learn on their own because I know when I was their age I was not the brightest in the bunch.  So, I am glad they are trying new things on their own.
13. What other issues may affect a student's learning abilities and things of that matter.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

            If this video was to suppose to contain teaching methods it seems to be far from that.  As I sat watching the video I kept wondering how he had such an influential life, and all the knowledge he brings. So, for those who have seen the video I highly recommend that you at least watch it once because you will not regret taking an hour out of your day to watch what this man has to say.  This video was truly heart warming, mainly for the fact that you at first think he is in it for the personal gain; but once you sit back, cry a few tears, and pay close attention you can see he did it for his family and students.  For those who have not watched it set aside an hour, and watch the video.
           Choosing and commenting on Dr. Pausch's video because it was so hard to concentrate, mainly due to the fact that his incite was so head on.  But if i had to choose some to comment on here our those one's I believe to be important.  Work hard because if you do not have a good work ethic or if your just lazy at what you do than what use are you their for.  Having good work skills are going to looked upon at any job, home life, and school that you may attend.  So, if a person does not contain the skills to work hard in a job setting what employer is going to want to hire you?  Nobody, so work hard and do great in what every you do.
           Thinking about others instead of yourself is another one that stood out for me in his video.  Because if your only in it for your own reasons why would anyone want to help you or support somebody like that.  If they do not receive any credit or notice they will not care what happens to you.  So, that is why it is wise to support others even if you do not particularly care for those people.  The third one that stood out was being honest.  Say if someone took all the credit for a project or a piece of work that you did, and they got all the good grades and rave reviews someone is going to be a little mad.  So, it wise to be honest to who ever or whatever the subject is because if your not it will come back to bite you.
            The last thing that really grabbed my attention was him saying, never let a brick wall keep you from your dreams.  When Dr. Pausch said that a million and one things went running through my thoughts.  Such as, wow I think that brick wall has been in my way before and what can I do to keep that brick wall from building up.  These thoughts and more were traveling so fast I did know how I should feel.  I took a deep breath and thought a step at time, and knowing what I want and I won't back down until I get it.
           I was really taken back by all the technical graphs he used for his presentations.  The way he did his presentation and the matter it was presented I think was to be very emotional for viewers, opening the mind for new things, touching others feelings, and shaping what is to come.  By viewing his lecture it makes me glad I am taking Dr. Strange's class that way I can learn more independently and on my own.  Because there will not always be someone watching over you telling what to do, how to do it, and when to have it done by.  Some students even do better on their own instead of being in a class listening to a teacher ramble on about something we won't understand until we try it on our own anyways.  So, use these methods because you never know when and if you will be able to!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Project #10

Using the Symbaloo PLN has been fantastic for easier access to the internet.  I have a lot of great link created on Symbaloo.  I have my blogger site, facebook, Itunes, YouTube, gmail, and several other sites downloaded on my Symbaloo.  When trying to understand Netvibes it was a little more difficult for me to understand, so using Symbaloo has been assume.  Especially, trying to keep up with all my school assignments, friends on facebook, and other little thing like research and fun games.  By having this PLN it has made my life easier and keeps me sane around school and work because I am not as stressed or worried about things.  I hoping to keep adding more things to my Symbaloo, especially things that I know I will need for the near future. 

Summary of Comments for Teachers #2

Michael Kaechele he used to be a concrete artist, but he changed his career to become a middle school teacher, which I believe both jobs are very important to the learning field. All his project in class use a sense of artistry to them, which is great when it comes to math and aligning sides of artwork to one another. Because some art you have to have exact measurements or the piece will not work. That's what Mr. Kaechele puts into his blog. Like this week he took his children to the art museum to let them have some hand on experience with some artwork, and to just let them enjoy themselves. So, to summarize his blogs they both were detailed to using art for kids to learn more easier in the class. Because many people do not think that art can be used for all subjects in the classroom, but if anyone has a chance to read Mr. Kaechele blog we can see how it is possible.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Assignment #6

Wendy Drexler: The Networked Student
             Watching that video about what a network student does is just so amazing.  It is crazy to think that you are basically teaching yourself, but in another sense your not.  I think it would be a great learning tool to put into school all around the world.  Because then everyone will have a way to gather more knowledge about different outlooks of religion, learning techniques, and much more.  We can all help one another achieve our goals in life.
              The way it was being explained in the video was as if it were like a tree diagram, everything seems to be connected to something so it can continue to grow.  For instance, the teacher is the starting point, and it is up to the student to figure out how to gain information to contribute to the tree so others can gain information.  By doing this the tree is continually growing, and more information and connections are being added for others to gain information.
               Why do we still need a teacher?  That was the question I was thinking the whole time through the entire video clip, until that question was answered.  The teacher is the main component to the process.  He or she is what makes this possible.  Because we the students will go to the teacher in a matter of us being blocked for ideas or information.  They make sure we ask for others advice in the correct manner, and with all the work that this takes, they help us put it together.  So being able to have a program like this is a great learning tool, especially to gain knowledge and other points of views from other great minds of the world.
A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN) 
               Learning about the the personal learning environment that is being shown on the video is very interesting.  I think they are very useful in the fact that you can hold more information, and it can also make your homework and personal sites easier to access with just a few clicks.  Although both sites are equally useful I find the PLN more easier for me, mainly for the fact that I am just used to it.  But I would love the learn the personal learning environment.  That way I have two ways of doing things!
Michael Wesch:  The Machine is Changing Us
                Listening and watching the video of Mr. Wesch of the Machine is Changing Us is very shocking to watch and see.  Mainly, due to the fact that we as a technological world are ever changing through the ages.  We are always upgrading to better cars, televisions, and  cell phones.  People are not really allowing themselves to intereact with one another like they used to because people are so interested in bigger things like American Idol and other things that keep them entertained that the smaller things that used to be important are not as important know.  Which knowing this is quite sad because some families may be closer if things like Mr. Wesch brought up had not came about.

Comment for Kids Summary

Naomig was my blogging buddy.  She is very intelligent and funny for her age.  She loves to spend time with her family and friends, which  I think is great.  Although she loves school and trying to do her best, math is making her work a little harder.  She loves the outdoors and playing soccer.  Naomig plans to do the best she can this year in school, and never let all the hard stuff get to her.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blog Assignment #5

Eagle Nest Radio & Class Blog
              Listening to these third graders talk about Ancient Rome and things that occurred in those times, such as the architecture and gladiators was very intriguing.  Seeing how well prepared they were to give their explanation on their specific person or thing from Rome was very useful.  That shows that we should be prepared about our topic before trying to give an explanation, performance, or recording unless we know for sure what we are going to say and when and how we are going to do so.  Because if we are not prepared their is a great chance that it will be a huge mess.
Joe Dale: The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom 
               Using podcasts in the classroom and even at home can allow children and adults alike to expand their mind and use of technology that they never thought possible.  It can allow student's to see other things from other countries and different religions.  Even if parents think podcasts are not safe for their children they can watch over them as well, so they can make sure their child is safe.  The uses of podcasts and technology are forever growing, and the more they grow the more useful and dependent we become.  Watching and listening to this podcast show's me the great uses that podcasts can be used for, and I know that I will be using them more often.
Judy Scharf Podcast Collection 
               This very was very informational especially on how to create and download your podcast.  I am glad this video was included mainly because I have never had to do my own podcast.  So the information I got from this link was very useful to me.  It also gave several sites and other links to go to if you wanted to use other accommodations then the ones that you may already know!  So this will be very useful when doing my own podcast.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Assignment 4

Scott McLeod: Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?
             I enjoyed Dr. McLeod's post about the bad things about computers because all that stuff happens all the time, and some parents may not even think about it when they go and buy their child a computer.  If a parent does buy their child a computer they should install those password protected program to keep their child out of those links.  There are goods things that come out of having a computer, for instance, being able to research easier and quicker, keeping up with presentations, and keeping in touch with friends who may live far away.
             Dr. McLeod is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies Studies fat Iowa State University, and he has also taught at several other school in his career of being a teacher.  Dr. McLeod's beliefs of changing the way people and students use computers and technology will hopefully change over the years from the way they are being used know.  Some people use computers as a way to hold them up instead of doing something on their own.  That's what I believe Dr. McLeod is trying to get through to everyone.
The iSchool Initiative
            The use of the iphone touch is a good idea just based on all the information that it can store and hold.  I can see this being very useful for teachers and students a like.  Everybody would love this way of learning and keeping up with school, mainly by all the different application the phone allows.  Using this form of technology would help lower the cost per student each year, and save money for other uses.
            There are some downsides to the iSchool initiative, for instance, what if a student can not afford one due to money issues in the family.  They never had to really worry about paying a whole lot of money for school because it is public school open to who ever wanted to learn.  Then there are the I broke or lost mine, and I can't turn in my assignment excuses.  I just think that having those phones in the school's won't make school easier or cheaper.  I believe it will make things harder.
The Lost Generation 
            Watching and listening to that video really makes you think.  To me it seemed as though they said all the things people usually believe is going to happen so they don't even try to change the outcome of it.  But when you think all hope is lost, it can be turned around just as easily.  They turned what was being said into something positive because they believed the outcome could be changed, and then they made it happen.  People have to want to change, to make change happen.
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
            It is so assume how he brought all those people together through the web to make such a beautiful choir.  None of them meeting in person to make this video, it is crazy to think somebody could actual do this.  If I would have never saw this video I don't think I would have ever believed it.  How they brought their tones and kept in tune with one another is amazing and it was so wonderful and enjoyable to listen to.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

A. The educational implications of Google Squared is very useful, especially when you have to do wide searches of the web. It is very quick to access and it seems to be pretty accurate about numbers and about places that are searched. For my other searches I looked up other types of religions and dances from around the world. There are some religions and dances I never even heard or seen before until know.
B. The educational implications of WolframAlpha is very useful also, except with this search engine it gives you more diagrams, and a little more accuracy of numbers. Using WolframAlpha gave me more of a selection of each religion and dance type. It gave me more of a chance to go more in depth with my topics, which I can see being a very useful tool for the near future.
C. Before this assignment I had no idea that Google Squared even existed.
D. I had no idea the Wolfram Alpha existed either.
E. My feelings from the did you know assignment has not changed.
F. I learned a lot more from this exercise by not assuming that the United States population is large because looking through other informational sources it allows me to see all the other countries and their populations, it basically allows others to see the big picture. The statistics portion came into play when better when we use the Wolfram Alpha source, it is very helpful and a lot more understandable.
Location of Pitcairn Islands

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Assignment 3

1 Mr. Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
               Wow, that video was very eye opening. I was truly taken back about how it was put together, and I do agree with what the students were holding up on their signs.  It seems like what they were trying to show us is that a lot of people us more technology now did they us to.  We rely on it more, it is like our safety source for information, watching video's, writing papers, and talking with friends.
                I do agree with the video, not only because it is true, but because a lot of that has happened to me and countless others. Pretty soon people won't have to even go to class because they will all be online or self learning.  Some of the books that are bought are never even opened because we either us notes or our computers to get our information.  Even with all these downsides to college people still fork out a lot of money to go to school because we all want to be successful at something one day
2 Kelly Hines: "It's Not About the Technology" 
               I enjoyed reading Mrs. Hines blog about the future uses of technology. I think it is coming very clear to not only student's, but also to teacher's that technology is increasingly growing, and no one is going to stand in the way.  For some teacher's it is hard to make the transformation from chalkboards, to dry erase board, and know they have came out with whiteboards.  While the changing from one to another can be difficult it is what a teacher is suppose to do. New things are happening for teachers and students alike, and teacher's are always learning new things.
              So, even though all this changes are occurring, not only for teachers but for the student's as well they can work together to learn all this new technology that is coming out.  It maybe hard but it is going to happen sooner or later, it is just the fact of whether we are going to work hard to understand all the changes that occur in that process
3 Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
             Mr. Fisch had some great points, teacher's do need to kind of wake up and the use the 21st century technology that is sweeping the nation.  There are some teacher's who believe they don't think computers and new technology is necessary, but it is we as a country is growing and so are inventions, technology, and people to.
            So, even if you are one of those types who don't think you can understand a computer or a new cell phone even play with it, learn on it, and try new things with it.  Don't just toss it to the side thinking you are never going to us it.  Because you may not think you will but in a couple months you will learn something new with your computer, and you will think what else can I learn.  Pretty soon you will be handling like a pro!

4 Gary Hayes Social Media Count
            For future and teachers know it is very informative about what the social media count shows, mainly because it can be useful in such ways as to tell us what students and kids a like are interested in and what sites they visit. This can be useful in away of getting information across to them in a school way, and let it still be interesting for them to use.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Summary Post of C4T 1

These past few week I have been following a very intriguing person, Mrs. Morgan Bayda. Her travels are something I would love to do one day. She went to so many places Costa Rico, Germany, Denmark, Holland, and so many other places were she was able to learn their way of living. From the food they ate, the daily chores they had to do, and countless other things. She even took care of innocent turtles on the beach, while they waited on their young to hatch. If these are not some of the most memorable experiences in a lifetime I don't know what is. I hope one day to be able to travel the world as Mrs. Bayda has done, and have the ability to see half of what she has been able to.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Blog Assignment 2

1. Did You Know?
          Viewing that video made me wonder what else in the world will soon be changing, not just with the technology of the computer or laptops.  The technology with those devices are ever changing, like the iphone and the ipod touch, there is always going to be a knew upgrade.  It just makes me wonder what all will change once I become teacher. It will not be me teaching my students. It will be us teaching each other.
           Even though technology does change, in what seems like every few seconds, it is very useful for the generations to come.  Everyone uses technology for everyday life, whether it is driving to school or work, talking on the phone, or chatting online, without technology people would be lost.  So with the all the knew changes that come people should take it in, and learn knew things, whether they think they can adapt or not.  Because changes are going to occur it is just a matter of time how long it takes others to get on board.

2. Mr. Winkle Wakes
            If I were to wake up from a 100 year sleep, I would be scared to walk out my door.  Not knowing the changes that have occurred for those past years spent a sleep.  I am like Mr. Winkle Wakes, baffled by all the changes that have happened over the years.  Just think of how much things of changed for in home use.  I can have a flat screen television, cordless home phone with caller id, play music on my phone instead of putting in a CD in my stereo, all these things occurred over a few years just try to think of how much can change in a 100 years.
          I am still amazed at what can be learned by just looking through the internet.  All the new things you can add to your phone.  I have had my iphone for over a year, and I am still amazed at what it can do.  It is a computer, weather informant, GPS, and there are all the apps you can download onto your phone.  Even though I have had this phone for so long, I am still taken back by all the assume things you can apply to it.

3. Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of  Creativity
        Watching Mr. Robinson talk about the creativity that children carry from the time their young to their adult years, makes me wonder how creativity can be lost so easily.  If they lose their ability to create how will we improve our world later in years.  Not letting students show their own personalities and stand out we will be quit boring.
        Mr. Robinson made some very good points, the one that worries me the most is how one may have a degree, but the chances of acquiring a job once you graduate maybe quite slim.  Mainly because the requirements for that job has changed, and you go back to school to gain a higher degree.  It is good to go back to school, but not when the job you want keeps changing their opinions of what type of degree you should have.  So, is it important for students to keep their creativity through life? I believe so, not just because of what Mr. Robinson described, but also in the sense that we are all different, not just in looks, but personality, uniqueness, whit, and how we stand out from others.

4. Vickie Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts   
      In Mrs. Davis video their was a clip that showed a 14 year old girl named Virginia who was already blogging.  When  I was that age I did not even know how to work a computer.  Bringing in computer labs to classrooms and teaching all the different ways they can be used is a genius idea. If I had that opportunity in high school I would have jumped at it.  Blogging on the computer can connect people from other countries to the the United States, and us to them.  Being able to do such things lets you travel the world without leaving the comfort of your own home! That is assume!
       Having all these things located right in our computers and laptops are so great, but just keeping up with data that is constantly changing is hard.  All the knew programing, tools, and sites are hard to understand sometimes, but if we can ourselves in check and up to date with all the information we can learn.  Because we will not always have Dr. Strange or lab assistance to help us!      


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blog Assingment #1

        My name is Crystal Raper I am considered a junior, but this is actually my first semester here at University of South Alabama.  I spent my first two and a half years of school at Faulkner University, and graduated with my associates degree in science.  So, I heard South Alabama was a great school, and here I am. I was born and raised a Mobile native, and like my parents I am a huge Alabama fan. 
        When I am not in school or studying I spend a lot of my time with my family and friends.  Neither one of parents went to college, so they are very excited that I decided to go to school.  We are a very close family, mainly because three years ago my oldest sister, Patricia was in a serious car accident which left her paralyzed from the neck down. 
         Being in the education field has been one of my passion for the longest time, since about the second grade to be exact. I just love the thought of helping students learn, and open their minds to new ideas and things.  It is not really a passion, but I truly enjoy my job and work place. I have been a server and Felix's seafood resturant for a little over a year, and I love it their.  The people, food, and atmosphere are all very enjoyabe.