Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog Assignment 12

Blog Assignment

Parents, teachers, and other professionals all have mix emotions about the amount of technology children should have exposed to them while in the younger stages of life. With this assignment there are a couple videos that you need to watch and answer the questions that go along with the video.

How is Technology Changing Kids Brains

Are Kids Losing Skills Due to Technology

Is all this Technology Good for Our Kids?

By viewing these three videos they all discuss the good and the bad about allowing children to use technology. Answers the following questions below after viewing the above the videos.

1. What is your opinion of the above discussions in each video?
2. Would you allow your children to begin using technology at a young after watching those videos?
3. Do you agree with Mr. Dovers explanation of the brain?
4. Would you agree that technology takes away from other skills learned?
5. Should technology continue to be made a teaching tool?
6. What do you believe the pro's and con's of technology are to you?

My completion of the assignment

1. The first video was talking about how kid's brain's are changing to due to technology and how after it is used in their everyday lives. Although there are some instances in that does occur I do not believe it fully affects the way our children think. Children change rapidly with age and with that so does their brain technology is not the cause. The second video discusses how children may be losing other skills due to using to much technology. Although they make some good points I do not believe children lose any skills in the classroom or outside playing sports. The last video was a sit down talk that went over some of the more positive outlooks for technology and their young users. And I do agree that certain technology can be very useful in the learning environment.
2. Yes I would. I do believe they should be restricted to a decent time period allotted. Because it could be a great learning tool for math, reading, and other important things as well.
3. Yes and not just because that is his field, but because he knows what he is talking about. He is just stating that children and their brain's keep changing as more information is added. Although technology is good being exposed to, to much over a short time can cause other problems, such as becoming hooked on technology and then letting it run your life.
4.No I do not believe that mainly just because once children learn things it is pretty much stuck with them. For instance, tying your shoes or riding a bike, these type of skills are embedded in a child's brain.
5. Yes because children learn more and more through the efforts of technology. So why should it be taken away from the child if it is helping learn more quickly or retaining information better.
6. Pro's
Great learning tool
Allows them to learn different things more simply
Can affect their social life
Could hurt them academicly

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Crystal! I like the idea for a blog assignment because it really stimulates discussion of the primary issues surrounding young students and technology. SS
