Friday, September 3, 2010

Blog Assignment 2

1. Did You Know?
          Viewing that video made me wonder what else in the world will soon be changing, not just with the technology of the computer or laptops.  The technology with those devices are ever changing, like the iphone and the ipod touch, there is always going to be a knew upgrade.  It just makes me wonder what all will change once I become teacher. It will not be me teaching my students. It will be us teaching each other.
           Even though technology does change, in what seems like every few seconds, it is very useful for the generations to come.  Everyone uses technology for everyday life, whether it is driving to school or work, talking on the phone, or chatting online, without technology people would be lost.  So with the all the knew changes that come people should take it in, and learn knew things, whether they think they can adapt or not.  Because changes are going to occur it is just a matter of time how long it takes others to get on board.

2. Mr. Winkle Wakes
            If I were to wake up from a 100 year sleep, I would be scared to walk out my door.  Not knowing the changes that have occurred for those past years spent a sleep.  I am like Mr. Winkle Wakes, baffled by all the changes that have happened over the years.  Just think of how much things of changed for in home use.  I can have a flat screen television, cordless home phone with caller id, play music on my phone instead of putting in a CD in my stereo, all these things occurred over a few years just try to think of how much can change in a 100 years.
          I am still amazed at what can be learned by just looking through the internet.  All the new things you can add to your phone.  I have had my iphone for over a year, and I am still amazed at what it can do.  It is a computer, weather informant, GPS, and there are all the apps you can download onto your phone.  Even though I have had this phone for so long, I am still taken back by all the assume things you can apply to it.

3. Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of  Creativity
        Watching Mr. Robinson talk about the creativity that children carry from the time their young to their adult years, makes me wonder how creativity can be lost so easily.  If they lose their ability to create how will we improve our world later in years.  Not letting students show their own personalities and stand out we will be quit boring.
        Mr. Robinson made some very good points, the one that worries me the most is how one may have a degree, but the chances of acquiring a job once you graduate maybe quite slim.  Mainly because the requirements for that job has changed, and you go back to school to gain a higher degree.  It is good to go back to school, but not when the job you want keeps changing their opinions of what type of degree you should have.  So, is it important for students to keep their creativity through life? I believe so, not just because of what Mr. Robinson described, but also in the sense that we are all different, not just in looks, but personality, uniqueness, whit, and how we stand out from others.

4. Vickie Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts   
      In Mrs. Davis video their was a clip that showed a 14 year old girl named Virginia who was already blogging.  When  I was that age I did not even know how to work a computer.  Bringing in computer labs to classrooms and teaching all the different ways they can be used is a genius idea. If I had that opportunity in high school I would have jumped at it.  Blogging on the computer can connect people from other countries to the the United States, and us to them.  Being able to do such things lets you travel the world without leaving the comfort of your own home! That is assume!
       Having all these things located right in our computers and laptops are so great, but just keeping up with data that is constantly changing is hard.  All the knew programing, tools, and sites are hard to understand sometimes, but if we can ourselves in check and up to date with all the information we can learn.  Because we will not always have Dr. Strange or lab assistance to help us!      



  1. Crystal your blog is looking great! Just a couple of housekeeping comments.

    1. Go back and proof read your post. Go to dashboard and edit post.

    2. Check your spacing between headings. Make your spacing is consistent throughout.

    Great responses. Keep up the good work. SS

  2. Hey Crystal, my name is Laura Scott. I like your thoughts on these videos we watched for this assignment. I agree with you on how important it is to keep students using their creativity throughout life and how important it is to stand out as individuals.

    If you would like to read any of my posts, my blog url is!

    Good luck in this class and feel free to contact me at!!
