Friday, October 29, 2010

Additional Assignment 3

Were I do agree is very easy to see in my eyes.  I believe that students do have trouble interacting in a classroom, mainly for the subject not being interactive and interesting for the students sitting there trying to learn.  Students get a persona of what school is going to be like when they have siblings or even parents who are teachers who tell them on school is to them.  So, if they do not enjoy were they are learning chance are neither will they.  Were i disagree will be with the fact that all kids are drugged up not all of them are like that some students just go to class not interested to learn no matter were they may end up in the future.  Because they may see a parent, sibling, or relative graduate from school and college and still can not find a job, and they get it in their heads why should I go to school if that is how I am going to end up as well.  The most important thing I think is when he is talking about how children are separated into their own age group, along with the subjects they are learning.  I think that is important topic and that is the one I also disagree with.  Students should be separated by age and subjects they are learning, of course you may have some that are smarter than others with those few intelligent ones let them go up a grade especially if they understand all the information and seem to get board very easily. With the issues he raises teachers, parents and relatives can all join in and help by being a support system for the student who may be having a hard time or just be their just case of questions that may need to be explained more in depth. I thought the presentation was great and on point for those parents and teachers who may not think those children do not want to learn.  If i had to create my own version I would have Alana Carpenter as the idea generator, Laney Verzone as the author,  me as the narrator, Joseph Turlington as the designer and artist, Heather Blair as sound effects, and we would all work together on other things.  It would be a great project to do if we had to the opportunity to at least try.

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