Sunday, October 10, 2010

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

            If this video was to suppose to contain teaching methods it seems to be far from that.  As I sat watching the video I kept wondering how he had such an influential life, and all the knowledge he brings. So, for those who have seen the video I highly recommend that you at least watch it once because you will not regret taking an hour out of your day to watch what this man has to say.  This video was truly heart warming, mainly for the fact that you at first think he is in it for the personal gain; but once you sit back, cry a few tears, and pay close attention you can see he did it for his family and students.  For those who have not watched it set aside an hour, and watch the video.
           Choosing and commenting on Dr. Pausch's video because it was so hard to concentrate, mainly due to the fact that his incite was so head on.  But if i had to choose some to comment on here our those one's I believe to be important.  Work hard because if you do not have a good work ethic or if your just lazy at what you do than what use are you their for.  Having good work skills are going to looked upon at any job, home life, and school that you may attend.  So, if a person does not contain the skills to work hard in a job setting what employer is going to want to hire you?  Nobody, so work hard and do great in what every you do.
           Thinking about others instead of yourself is another one that stood out for me in his video.  Because if your only in it for your own reasons why would anyone want to help you or support somebody like that.  If they do not receive any credit or notice they will not care what happens to you.  So, that is why it is wise to support others even if you do not particularly care for those people.  The third one that stood out was being honest.  Say if someone took all the credit for a project or a piece of work that you did, and they got all the good grades and rave reviews someone is going to be a little mad.  So, it wise to be honest to who ever or whatever the subject is because if your not it will come back to bite you.
            The last thing that really grabbed my attention was him saying, never let a brick wall keep you from your dreams.  When Dr. Pausch said that a million and one things went running through my thoughts.  Such as, wow I think that brick wall has been in my way before and what can I do to keep that brick wall from building up.  These thoughts and more were traveling so fast I did know how I should feel.  I took a deep breath and thought a step at time, and knowing what I want and I won't back down until I get it.
           I was really taken back by all the technical graphs he used for his presentations.  The way he did his presentation and the matter it was presented I think was to be very emotional for viewers, opening the mind for new things, touching others feelings, and shaping what is to come.  By viewing his lecture it makes me glad I am taking Dr. Strange's class that way I can learn more independently and on my own.  Because there will not always be someone watching over you telling what to do, how to do it, and when to have it done by.  Some students even do better on their own instead of being in a class listening to a teacher ramble on about something we won't understand until we try it on our own anyways.  So, use these methods because you never know when and if you will be able to!

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was a very good video too, and it made me want to cry. He is an amazing person, to be so sick and be able to get up in front of all of those people and speak, it was amazing.
