Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Assignment #6

Wendy Drexler: The Networked Student
             Watching that video about what a network student does is just so amazing.  It is crazy to think that you are basically teaching yourself, but in another sense your not.  I think it would be a great learning tool to put into school all around the world.  Because then everyone will have a way to gather more knowledge about different outlooks of religion, learning techniques, and much more.  We can all help one another achieve our goals in life.
              The way it was being explained in the video was as if it were like a tree diagram, everything seems to be connected to something so it can continue to grow.  For instance, the teacher is the starting point, and it is up to the student to figure out how to gain information to contribute to the tree so others can gain information.  By doing this the tree is continually growing, and more information and connections are being added for others to gain information.
               Why do we still need a teacher?  That was the question I was thinking the whole time through the entire video clip, until that question was answered.  The teacher is the main component to the process.  He or she is what makes this possible.  Because we the students will go to the teacher in a matter of us being blocked for ideas or information.  They make sure we ask for others advice in the correct manner, and with all the work that this takes, they help us put it together.  So being able to have a program like this is a great learning tool, especially to gain knowledge and other points of views from other great minds of the world.
A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN) 
               Learning about the the personal learning environment that is being shown on the video is very interesting.  I think they are very useful in the fact that you can hold more information, and it can also make your homework and personal sites easier to access with just a few clicks.  Although both sites are equally useful I find the PLN more easier for me, mainly for the fact that I am just used to it.  But I would love the learn the personal learning environment.  That way I have two ways of doing things!
Michael Wesch:  The Machine is Changing Us
                Listening and watching the video of Mr. Wesch of the Machine is Changing Us is very shocking to watch and see.  Mainly, due to the fact that we as a technological world are ever changing through the ages.  We are always upgrading to better cars, televisions, and  cell phones.  People are not really allowing themselves to intereact with one another like they used to because people are so interested in bigger things like American Idol and other things that keep them entertained that the smaller things that used to be important are not as important know.  Which knowing this is quite sad because some families may be closer if things like Mr. Wesch brought up had not came about.


  1. Hi Crystal! It's nice to meet you! My name is Tiphanie and I am commenting on your blog this week. I love that you are so excited about teaching because I am too.

    The Networked Student

    I also think that this would be a great learning tool in classrooms around the world. I loved that you talked about the tree diagram because that was a really unique metaphor and easy to remember. I believe that teachers are extremely important no matter what class it is (after all if they were not I would not have a future job) because they begin the quest for knowledge and are the motivators.

    Personal Learning Enviroment

    I actually am not a huge fan of the personal learning environment because I like learning in person and having human contact more than logging on to a computer. I do, however, believe that children need to work on their technology skills at a young age. I will probably use many different ways to teach just like you said you would like to.

    Michael Wesch

    I completely agree with you that it is kind of sad what our world is coming too. I miss the good old days when someone would call you just to talk. Now everyone sends text messages and it just feels so impersonal to me. I know technology is really awesome sometimes but in some ways I wish it would just go away.

    Great job Crystal! :D

  2. Excellent post Crystal! I like the tree analogy.

    The teacher is still an important part of the process. The Networked Student is a good example of the way the role of the teacher is changing. In this case its like Dr. Strange says the teacher is more of a coach. The teacher's role is more about being supportive, giving advice and guidance. The student is more in control of his or her own learning. A good example is the student who showed her personal learning environment. Now she's in control.

    Your blog looks awesome! Keep up the good work. SS
