Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Assignemt 10

1.  My experiences at school have been quit interesting in the fact that I thought I would learn more in some of my other classes.  One class I am taking is a hybrid class and I understand that I am suppose to do learning on my own, but when I do go to class half the stuff that is being said is nothing to do with the subject I am learning.  When I read Mrs. Bayda's entree I really could relate to her.  A student can do more learning outside the class most of the time because you the student concentrate on what you want to learn first.  That is what I like about EDM 310 it is you and your computer, and the occasional assistance from the lab techs.  But they are only their if you truly need help.  In a way I feel like that is how some of my other classes are as well, and that is all fine, but when I do go to class and I do need help I would like answers to my questions.  By using the internet and all it accessories if students are more eager to learn they can scan through sits and web connections like Mrs. Bayda did to learn all types of new and growing information without feeling cheated by the school and the teachers.
2. It is crazy to read about a school who does not allow their students to take home pencils.  If they do not have a way of writing how else are students suppose to learn.  Of course students could try to memorize all the information learned but it may not go so well.  So I am glad he came up with his own solution to the problem that he had to endure for his students.  If a teacher is willing to take that risk for his class you know he must be a great teacher because he cares if his students learn or not.
3. Watching that movie about those two questions really made think. What could my question be?  I thought it was really interesting because a lot of people never really ask themselves that everyday.  My question would be " What did I do yesterday that I could change today?" It basically means what do I do or say wrong that I could improve or change today to make better if possible. Could I apologize to someone, make somebody laugh to make their day better, what could I do? My sentence would be "Changing the lives of students by one classroom at time."

1 comment:

  1. This is why keeping up with the class blog is so important in EDM 310. class blog is an excellent course management tool providing a platform for multimodal presentation, dissemination of important course information, and feedback from students. The class blog also provides students a place where they can access anything they need for the course 24/7. As Dr. Strange says visit the class blog often. If you do this you will stay up with the latest in EDM 310. SS
